Day 10
Route 17
290 miles
The weather started off quite cold and damp then warmed through the day.
When I left Mo I Rana at 8 in the morning I had my heated vest and seat on. I couldn't work out why the roads were so quiet, then I found out it was saturday!
Lots of cool bridges and tunnels in Norway
I met a Norwegian couple on a GS at the first crossing and they told me just to go to the front of each que, not a problem! They also found out that there were three stops on that ferry and that we were the last one, the first stop was an an island 4km long. It's lucky that I got talking to them as I hadn't noticed the number of stops or where I was actually headed for.
Ferries are surprisingly cheap given the cost of everything else, short crossings were around £4. Apparently they're heavily subsidised.
After the first crossing I decided to find somewhere for lunch but before I found anywhere I was back at the next ferry, just in time to ride straight on as the last vehicle, past a big line of campers.
On the next island I finally gave up and stopped for a garage hot dog, they really aren't big on places to eat. The pump was automatic with a card machine like most, but it finally asked me what grade I wanted, there was only one nozzle for unleaded, and two buttons marked in Norwegian.
I had to shout to the guy at the next pump for a translation, turns out it was to pay at pump or in the shop. I'd already paid. I talked to the guy and his mate as I had my hot dog (that I tasted for the rest of the day), they both worked offshore, one in Norway and the other in rig fabrication in Korea.
Both seemed surprised at the distances I'd been covering. Again I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly the people are in Norway.
The scenery was amazing, by now I was starting to get used to seeing stunning views at every turn.
As I approached the last ferry I saw a cruiser in the distance, two up with lots of luggage. I expected to overtake them pretty quickly but it took me almost to the ferry to catch up.
It was an 1800 Indian, the rider was wearing a bike club vest but seemed friendly anyway and was interested in the triumph. He just laughed when I commented on how long it had taken me to catch up, then showed me where the exhaust pipes were ground down in the corners.
The last run down the 17 to the E6 was a bit of a slog as the weather got really rainy. I'd got a text from Tommy saying he was 50 miles away waiting at the ferry, I didn't realise he was 50 miles behind me until later! I'd been riding along wondering where the ferry was for quite a while before I zoomed out on the sat nav and discovered there were no more ferries on my route.
I eventually stopped at Steinkjer, I'd stopped at a best western first but It was like a cheap travel lodge and £130 a night.
I got an apartment on the campsite for £60 as they were out of cabins and I was too tired to look any further, it was like student halls but it had the important roof and blinds so I could sleep. A dinner of cheese and ham sandwiches after a trip to the nearest supermarket then bed by 1030.