Day 14 The road to Lillehammer 220 milesLooks like I forgot to take a screen shot in Lillehammer, it's 80 miles north of Oslo Got up in the morning to find clear blue skies and fog burning off from lower in the fjords. The road out of Hara is a good example of the Norwegian way of building things. I came into the town via the switchbacks and left via a tunnel that completes a full circle before emerging on the top of the hill. It's a very strange feeling going up a spiral inside a tunnel.
It was 17 degrees when I left at 0830, and got gradually hotter until it hit 26 degrees around mid day. I set the nav for Lillehammer simply because I'd heard of it and it was only 120 miles north of the bike drop off. By this point I'd done everything I had planned to do as well as everything I'd hoped I might have time for. This meant back tracking around 40 miles or a much longer route past oslo. It was actually quite good to see some of the views I'd missed in the rain and I spent quite a while taking photos. I got a good view of the bridge between two tunnels with the fog in the fjord below.
The road ran along the side of the fjord for quite a while and the higher sections were out of the fog, then the road would drop back into it.
I had lunch at a Thai takeaway van, that also took credit cards via an Iphone and card reader. I hadn't carried any cash at all since the first day in Oslo.
The second part of the route crossed a high section of mountain roads, the trees finished and the road ran through rocky terrain with numerous lakes.
Finally the road dropped into Lillehammer and I got a nice hotel for the night, then went out and had a great steak dinner. Another fortune spent but worth it for my last night in Norway. I was kind of tempted to camp or get a hut for my last night, but couldn't risk getting the tent wet (I'd be storing it for nearly a month before I picked up the bike) and I was already next to the hotel.
£130 a night hotel...